Everyone deserves to work in a psychologically safe and healthy workplace. A psychologically healthy workplace is defined by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) as one “that promotes workers’ psychological well-being and actively works to prevent harm to worker psychological health including in negligent, reckless, or intentional ways”. As […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
What is Emergenetics? As a psychometric tool, Emergenetics assesses patterns of thinking and behaving that emerge from a combination of an individual’s genetic blueprint coupled with their environmental influences. Emergenetics was coined by putting two words together, ‘emerge’ and ‘genetics.’ That is, who you are emerged from your genetic blueprint […]
Do your managers struggle with the concept of leading from a distance? Are you concerned about how your culture and team dynamics will be impacted by distributed work? Is productivity and engagement of your people top of mind as you move toward distributed work arrangements? Work EvOHlution can help! We […]
Canada Career Counselling can help you to establish a fulfilling career direction and make strategic career-related decisions. Through your work with one of our Registered Psychologists, Career Coaches, and/or Advisors, you’ll walk away from career counselling feeling confident in the choice(s) you’ve made and the steps you need to take […]
Career counselling with a Registered Psychologist or Career Coach is an excellent way to make career decisions and find a fulfilling career direction. The process of career counselling includes personality, interest and values assessments, and coaching sessions to ensure you find the right career path for you. All career counsellors […]
Why are there so many toxic cultures out there? And why would we choose such a strong word to describe workplaces? Well, when it comes to impacting people’s well being, both physically and emotionally, toxic is not an exaggeration. And when we add a difficult economic climate to the mix, […]
Why CEO Turnover is on the Rise Turnover among Canadian CEOs and their American counterparts has been on the rise since 2010, and reached a new high of almost 15% in 2013. While renewal at the very top can indicate tighter corporate governance and oversight, and the replacement of the […]